Bucharest, Romania, 2015
Area: 47 sqm, Client: Private, Finalized: April 2015
Team: arch. Silvia Coman, arch. Roxana Jipa
It’s not that common to walk into a home and see magenta-colored details in its interior design, but for retail, it couldn’t be better suited. Adding magenta in the interior design of a retail space may be challenging but using the right chromatic combination it can inspire customers to feel the brand characteristics.

The IQbox store is a place for technology, media and telecommunication, therefore using magenta isn’t completely unusual. It is not only for separating the design from the traditional décor, but also for opening new aesthetic perspectives aligned with the brand’s policies. Using shades of grey along with the bold magenta we made sure it all blended well with the rest of the design and that the very bright and strong color became a tool for instantly attracting curious eyes.

Photo credit: Sabin Prodan
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