Bucharest, Romania, 2015

Area: 47 sqm, Client: Private, Finalized: June 2017

Team: arch. Silvia Coman, arch. Roxana Jipa

Very inviting and comfortable when looking down at the wood like flooring, giving the impression of a cozy home, the IQFix store design concept attracts you to an actual half and half world, on one hand futuristic, on the other hand warm and snug like a living room.

Another element that brings a cosy feeling and adds to the idea of “home” in the context of dedicating an area for home services are the upholstered comfortable bench area and chairs carefully framed by a simple, white metal structure that serves as a book/magazine shelf on one side and as a plant pot holder on the other.

Contrasting surfaces of blue, making the products stand out, are the best choice when it comes to retail interior design. Simple lines, glossy finishes and lighting details, all adding to the desired effect together with creative and clever graphics informing and guiding clients, make the space feel familiar.

The main idea of this new brand is to introduce a new kind of service, allowing it to be visible, an active part of the store`s “life”. This service also receives enough workspace, but doesn`t interfere with the main area of the store.

The optimal solution presented in this design is based on the two principles dictated by the space’s shape: focus point & axiality.

Photo credit: Sabin Prodan

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