SUPECO Supermarket

Calarasi, Romania, 2020

Area: 1577 sqm, Client: Private, Finalized: April 2020

Team: arch. Silvia Olteanu, arch. Roxana Jipa

The building that hosts Supeco Supermarket is located in Calarasi, in a newly systematized urban area. It is an economic supermarket brand with a variety of goods, requiring over 1500 sqm of operating space. Located on a small piece of land, the greatest challenge of this project was overcome by constructing a fully equipped supermarket metal hall that complies with the local laws, that uses the brand’s layout requirements and colors and expresses through design the philosophy of a new concept of supermarket – small prices, great quality.

The project started by completely refunctionalizing the site, demolishing the existing concrete platforms and constructing a mixed structure of concrete and steel. By adding the colorful, yet simple building to an area that was looking old and neglected, together with the changes in landscape, the quality of the urban space was improved not only aesthetically but also functionally – the supermarket parking spaces are being used by the nearby citizens outside the supermarket’s working hours.

Even if it is a typical big box with long aisles of products, our research started with the recently designed supermarkets and urban market places and it concluded by a adding a twist on the exterior.

Photo credit: Sabin Prodan

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